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This was a shoot with two of my favorite people and models - Jessie and Brittany. They met for the first time at the shoot and had a remarkable time together doing the "girls" thing - getting dressed and putting on makeup - it took forever.

They informed me that "we even wear the same sized shoes" well OK I feel better knowing that- its size 9 if you all care.

So we experimented with a number of different approaches to this shoot - a new lighting approach, shot in my home with the furniture rearranged and a new rug. I think a lot of the shots came out great and the color is really pleasing to me - we had some great expressions, some fun wardrobe and look alike makeup.

They both have long hair - maybe we could have done more with that probably - but with all that chatting, giggling and trying on each others stuff who had the time.

If you like the look, like the style please do not hesitate to contact me with your own ideas for a shoot! I am open and will work your location with great equipment, enthusiasm and we'll have fun - and i bet make some great images.

Let us know what you think when you get a chance.

Both models are on mm if you want to get in touch with them.

A couple of shooting notes for you - the candles have to be straight from all angles otherwise its a pain.
The ladder is always in the way - learn to fly
Wax on the brand new rug - not a good thing

If you are into lacy lingerie and want to shoot I am particularly interested
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