Interested in Living a Bit Wild?

Showoff? Never too uptight to let loose?


Volunteer to be a model for me in the Black Tape Project.

Please understand that this is an adult shoot and that the shy-of-body should not apply.  High energy, heat, sexy, open, free, dynamic - that is who we are looking for - is it you we have in mind?


Electrical tape is wrapped strategically around the body - it often is black but other colors such as white, red and blue can be used if we can source them in time.  The removal of the tape is not particularly painful - it is not too sticky.

What will happen next?

  • We agree on the design of the tape to be applied
  • Application of the tape
  • Application of a light reflective oil
  • Shooting in different poses


Do this images look like something you would be interested in doing?

I will provide you with Personal Use images from the shoot - you figure out how to use them!


What should you do next?

However you contact me is fine but definitely provide the following

  • Your full name
  • Your age
  • Weight
  • Any experience
  • A number to call you back on
  • Several recent images taken in good light with no filter - a cell phone is fine


Some ideas that may interest and motivate you

Other people's Images  if you need more to look at!

A Caution

Some of your friends / associates may get a bit crazy with this one - please do not do anything that might wreck your relationship with your church friends, your boy/girl friend, your Dad,  etc.  Neither of us needs the drama!  Just saying....