Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images.
Hi and welcome to the images from the show.

They are available to you to browse through and also for sharing on FB - just select one and look for the share button in the upper right corner - simple.

If you post them - please do not remove my logo, please do tag me and anyone who helped with the production that you can. This means the Designers, MUA and Stylists! Do the right thing and give people credit they deserve.

Send me warm vibes if you like them - Friend me on FB and Like my StraleyPhotography page. Say good and loving things.

Downloads are also available - at NO CHARGE. To get a download - select the image and look for the "BUY" button again in the upper right - select downloads if they are not already selected and the social media sized images - I charge $0.00 for them so you can get as many as you'd like and there is no cost.

If you print from the site there is a cost - great quality prints however.

If you need help there are help files in the upper right - try them before getting frustrated - I think they will walk you through everything!

Please let me know if you need a photographer - you should see what can be done in excellent light with controlled shooting - check out my other galleries. Have a great time - thanks for the please you gave to me in working with me.

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