The images from the show are now completed - I sincerely hope that you enjoy them!
Here is some information I would like you to have. Please read it!
The images are downloadable - here are the instructions onhow to do it - images are provided at no charge for one month. Download them now!
Please pass this info on! If you have trouble there are help files as well at the top of the page.
You are welcome to post these images on FB and other media - please tag me on every image - tag your Designer, your MUA, Stylists etc. The people who helped you look good and make the image - it is the right thing to do - so please do the right thing.
Please do not alter or crop my images - please use the download to get them - rather than copying the screen - the quality will be better and I care about that - hope you do too - thanks.
I would appreciate it if you would Like Me on my FB page.
I am always looking for new people to work with - if you are serious about modeling then you should know I am serious about photography - please contact me and talk to me (860 487-1081) about this!